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Ladyviv Информация профиля

Wise Wonderful Witch
Возраст 71 из Blackwood, New Jersey - Онлайн - Более 2 недель назад
Женщина Ищу Мужчину

Базовая информация

Я бы описал(а) себя как  
Practitioner of the craft for many years as well as many varied mundane accomplishments. I was a professional classical ballet dancer (injury but an end to that) then innkeeper Chef, professional sales etc. the lid goes on..in short my whole adult life has either been in the performing arts, hospitality and sales industries.
I have a beautiful daughter, terrific son in law and 2 amazing grandsons, who live way to far away but we make it work.
I live with my black cat Merlin (he rules the roost)and am still working after Covid quarantine I decided retirement is not for me( too bloody boring).
I manage to find time for fun,travel rituals and entertaining etc..
If you’re looking for a couch potato or I’m not for you.
I’m looking for a man of similar vintage and interests. I’m open to new experiences within reason certain restrictions apply.
If you’ve gotten this far great please reach out to me.
I look forward to chatting with you.
Знак зодиака  

Внешность и семейное положение

Мой рост  
167 см
Моя этническая принадлежность  
Белый европеец/кавказец